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Apr 16, 2024
In General Discussion
You can find the podcast on Spotify, Apple Music, or wherever you listen to podcasts!
This is a passion pronject for me and my college roommate. Would love any and all feedback!
Mar 15, 2023
In General Discussion
Prizes include Lights Out swag 🔥
Feb 28, 2023
In General Discussion
A cheat sheet will be available under the "In Season" Tab as well! How do I want to approach season lifting? The goal of in-season lifting is NOT to get huge gains. If you have been lifting for a while (routinely for 3+ months straight) the goal is to maintain strength. You shouldn’t be aiming for major physical transformations during the season. If you are just getting started with Lights Out, these workouts will be targeted at getting your ‘baseline’ strength up without encouraging any major adaptations to your movement. I don’t want to get sore. This is where we need to take a measured approach, and adapt lifting practices based on your playing. As I mentioned above, the goal is not to get huge ‘gains’ during the season. Lifts will be higher volume with lower weight. For example, if in January, you had 5 sets of 3 reps for squats, and your last set you maxed out around 315lb’s…. In season, your squats will be closer to 4 sets of 6, and your last set will probably want to be around 265 (85% of max). Blood flow and muscle activation are the goals here, not tearing down your muscles. What if I play ‘everyday’ as a non pitcher? You should aim for 3 workouts a week. Don’t work out on a game day. (these lifts will be in Teambuildr, and will be labeled as such) 1 full body 1 upper body 1 lower body A 4th workout of the week can be an “Any Day Workout” which focuses more on activation and blood flow and will not cause any level or soreness or stiffness. What if I’m a true PO and I start games? You’re in luck, you have the ‘easiest’ in season lifting schedule for a pitcher. We schedule your lifts around your starts, and can typically get 4 good lifts in (assuming you’re on a semi regular 7 day starter schedule). Given the unpredictability of high school schedules however, we will aim for 3 lifts with a 4th supplementary lift which can be performed if the week allows for it. (these lifts will be in Teambuildr, and will be labeled as such) 1 Heavy Lower Body 1 Heavy Upper Body 1 Moderate Full Body 1 ‘Any Day’ Workout I’m a PO but I come in relief about 2 times a week This type of schedule is a little more difficult to plan around. The goal is still to get 3 lifts in, but it requires planning around the game schedule / your availability for your next outing.
Oct 20, 2022
Oct 20, 2022
In Questions & Answers
What does “REMOTE FIRST” mean? Lights Out is what I call a “remote first” program. This means several things. First of all, it means that this program can be done 100% remotely with little to no in person training. In fact, even if you do take advantage of frequent in person training, a majority of your work will be done on your own. How does remote first work? The short answer is, communicate often, video everything, and ask questions. A coach doesn’t need to be in person to “get eyes on you” - but this means you must live up to the expectation to send regular video to your coach, and complete your lifts properly. How does in person training work if this is a remote first program? Every athlete in the Lights Out program is afforded the opportunity to work in person once a week. BUT this in person session does not replace the requirement for a weekly video. In person is typically a small group setting in which athletes get in person interaction with their coach and fellow Lights Out athletes, as they go through throwing work, work outs, etc. What if I can’t get in person once a week? THIS IS OK!! Remember, this is a remote FIRST program. While many players do like to take advantage of the in person options, not all do. In fact, there are players in the Lights Out program that live hours away, and complete their training 100% remotely. As long as you remember to take video, communicate, and do your “assignments”, you will be ok! What if I miss a scheduled lift? Not to worry, make sure you communicate with your coach. You can always go back and do a missed lift. In order to best “makeup your time”, ask for your coach's advice. If you know you will miss a lift due to an upcoming commitment, ask your coach how you should adjust your workout schedule.
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